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3 Reasons the Co-Managed IT Model Might Be the Perfect Fit

Focusing on investing in IT can provide a better outcome in the long run, as it helps in avoiding issues and maintaining high performance. So it is always recommended to opt for quality service rather than compromising on the budget.

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Yellow quotations

We aim to help our clients soar to new
heights, by setting our sights on the mission
total client reassurance. Then create a
flight plan, lock in our course, and take-off.
We’ve got your six!

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Sixwatch has meticulously crafted educational content, deploying it swiftly into the technology and cybersecurity airspace, ensuring our customers and followers remain perpetually informed and mission-ready.

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Yellow Line


Stronger Together

We’ve got your six. Sixwatch is the premier managed IT service provider offering our clients the depth and scope of IT consulting, cybersecurity, support, and leadership services.

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Meet Your Crew

Yellow Line

Our company's success is largely attributed to the outstanding support provided by our elite teams. We believe that team-based support is the key to fast resolution times and business continuity. That's why we provide our clients with a dedicated team of local, certified professional IT experts who will get to know you, your employees, and the critical details of your business. This approach results in better outcomes and significantly reduces frustration.


(The Brass)

John Owens

John Owens

Founder & CEO

Favorite Food: Tacos and Ribeye steak.
Hobbies:  I enjoy spending time with my family, working out, playing guitar, and taking our dogs, Tonka and Chops, to the beach.
Favorite Quote:  Two are stronger than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. —Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
(Stronger Together)



(The Crew)

amy church

Amy Church

Senior Network Engineer

Favorite Food:
The ones I can’t eat…cheese and bread.

Time with family, friends, and boating... preferably all three.

Favorite Quote:
My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water. –Carl Hiaasen

matt bullock

Matt Bullock

Senior Business Advisor

Favorite Food:


Favorite Quote:
“Who will rescue me?...thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ.” –Romans 7:24-25

brett goldstein

Brett Goldstein

Systems Engineer III

Favorite Food:
Chinese & BBQ

Watching Football and Basketball, playing Table Tennis, Pickleball, and billiards.
Favorite Quote:
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them."
— Benjamin Jowett

employee logo

Thomas Youngquist

Systems Engineer II

Favorite Food:
Steak and Seafood

Playing basketball, swimming.

Favorite Quote:
Strive not to be a success, but rather
to be of value
.” –Albert Einstein

john ericson

Jon Ericson

Systems Engineer

Favorite Food:
Real Greek gyros – so good!

Music, Motorcycles, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, and just being outdoors!

Favorite Quote:
“Every day above ground is a good day.”
–Mel Bernstein

kyle lanier

Kyle Lanier

Service Coordinator

Favorite Food:
Pichana Steak (Brazilian Churrascaria) 

Camping, youth pastoring, freelance trumpet performance and playing with the Lakeland Symphony Orchestra.

Favorite Quote:
“Do or do not.  There is not try.” –Yoda

william church

William Church


Favorite Food:
NY Style Pizza
Watching/Playing Football,
and anything tech-related.

Favorite Quote:
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs

jordan brady2

Jordan Brady

Sales Development Representative

Favorite Food:

Listening to music, going to concerts, traveling, hiking, and camping.

Favorite Quote:
To be successful, you must act big, think big, and talk big.” –Aristotle Onassis

candace pangostas

Candace Pangostas

Accounting Manager

Favorite Food:
Greek Salads and Baklava

Playing with my dog at the park, and
walking along Tampa's Riverwalk.

Favorite Quote:
“In the midst of chaos, there is opportunity.”

Halene Tan

Harlene Tan


Favorite Food:
Anything Italian 

Going to the movies, working out, yoga, and going to the beach.

Favorite Quote:
“If you dream it, you can do it.”
–Walt Disney

We always have our clients' backs.

We do things differently at Sixwatch, especially when it comes to our mindset.